Ao Oni Wiki

Fish Oni are a fish-like Oni species featured in Ao Oni 2 and Ao Oni 3, being one of the main obstacles during the underwater sections found in Takuro's scenario.


The Fish Oni's appearance is a mix between the body of a fish, with greenish scale, dorsal fin and pelvic fin, while its face is The Oni's face, with its color remaining the same as the original purple-ish blue color rather than matching the green-ish color of the rest of the body.

It is currently unknown what the back of a Fish Oni looks like, as it was never seen before.


During the underwater sections found in both of Takuro's scenarios, there are several holes in wall, with all of them having a Fish Oni lurking inside of it.

Getting a block close to it will cause their eyes to become visible within the dark, and walking directly infront of a hole that hasn't been covered beforehand will cause Fish Oni to come out of their hole, bite the player in the head and drag the body back with them into the hole, causing a game over.

The only way to prevent this from happening is by pushing rocks infront of the holes, making it impossible for the Fish Oni to attack the player, as it cannot break through the rock.



  • Fish Oni is the only Oni without a obtainable mask in the entire game, this is most likely due that Fish Oni is never seen out of the hole and never moving.
    • Although some Onis like Clown Oni 1-3 and Captain Oni have masks that cannot be obtainable, there are still files for them inside the game, as well as slots in the masks menu, while Fish Oni does not.
  • It is odd how, while underwater, the Fish Oni decides to stays stationary instead of swimming around and being able to catch Takuro more easily.