Ao Oni Wiki

Honoka (ほのか) is a minor character in the Ao Oni novels she mostly appears throughout the series together with her older sister, who explored the Mansion with her. She had previously lived in another country, before moving to japan.


Honoka is a blonde (and green for some reason) and blue eyed young girl, appearing to be some what younger than Naoki. She wears her long hair in a pair of pigtails.

She wears a blue jacket unlike her sister who wears red with tuffs of fur at the top and wears a plaid skirt with a white long skirt showing under the dress with red Mary Janes.


Honoka is timid and quiet and can be very dependent on others, as shown in Ao Oni Origin where she clings onto Naoki. However, she was prepared to defend herself when necessary, proven by her lack of hesitation to stab the Oni in the eye with an ink pen when it looked at her. She was a victim of Takuro’s bullying.

In Fragments she was very submissive to her abusive mom and was deathly afraid of her to the point she killed her by stabbing her in the chest because she didn’t want to die. She ran away and died in the basement of an old shack.

