The Library is a room on the first floor of the mansion. It is the first or second place you glimpse the oni, depending on which version you're playing, and the first place to encounter it. The library has lots of bookshelves and a messy table where the player must pick up a key.
Since the library is the first room the player sees the oni chase them, this is often thought of as the room in which the player feels the initial shock of the game.
Version 6.23[]
When you obtain the Library key, head to the Foyer and go into the hallway on your right. Use the key and you should glimpse the Oni walking on the top left of your screen. Go to the table on your right and push away the green book on your left to obtain the Bedroom Key. after obtaining it, the Oni will appear and begin to chase you throughout the house.
Version 5.2[]
After obtaining the Library Key, you should return to the Foyer and go into the hallway on your right. Use the key and you should glimpse the Oni walking on the top left of your screen. Go to the table on your right and move the book pile away. Pick up the bedroom key. Then the Oni starts to chase you.
Version 3.0[]
After obtaining the Library Key, you come back down to the Foyer and go into the hallway on your right. Use the key and you should glimpse the Oni walking on the top left of your screen. Go to the table on your right and move the book pile away. Pick up the Attic Key. Then the Oni starts to chase you.
Version 1.1[]
After obtaining the Library Key, walk right until your at the Entrace. Then go into the hallway on your right and use the key to the first door. You should glimpse the Oni walking on the top left of your screen. Go to the table and pick up the bedroom key. Then the Oni starts to chase you. The chase ends ONLY when you go to the Bedroom.
Version 1.1[]
In Version 1.1, the library had a number of flaws and ways for the player to trap the oni and make it impossible to be caught.
Version 3.0[]
In Version 3.0, only the jutting wall in the corner was removed, because the oni would become trapped there every time.
Version 5.2[]
In Version 5.2, the library was condensed and the odd wall was removed so that the player cannot trap the oni behind it.
Version 6.23[]
In Version 6.23, the library was tightened up and rearranged so that the player can no longer trap the oni behind a table, but if your quick, the oni sometimes may glitch and get stuck.