Ao Oni Wiki

I have a few theories about what's going to happen pretty soon-

It's very possible that noprops will release Ao Oni version 7 that incorporates three new characters. The novel that's coming out features Naoki, Shun and Anna as well. This is actually what happened to corpse party - which now has several mangas, an anime, and professional spin off games. Corpse Party started as an indie rpg (less well-made than Ao Oni actually), and fangames helped it take off. After a few years, more canon installments were released and the game was updated to accomodate new characters and plot changes.

We'll see! Pictures of the new cast below.

Top Panel: Shun and Hiroki

Middle Panel: Anna and Mika

Bottom Panel: Takeshi, Takuro, Naoki

Novel-characters-1 Novel-characters-2 Novel-characters-3
